스크린샷 Please listen form thaiplayer. <3 | |||||
작성자 | 상병CaMelz | 작성일 | 2020-05-09 18:33 | 조회수 | 4,941 |
Hello every one I'm _m Thailand player.I have to request balance gear I don't know this item is very op(super power) in Korea server or not?.But in Thailand server this item is very op ( Use 1 skill can kill all team ) This item is popular in Thailand sever.I need to reduce ability it.This item is easy to find.Plzzzz to request me.Thank _ listen to me. <3 (Why is this item op when using skills to use teammates to beat those who are hit? Think about when to use this item with Kali accessory but do more damage than Santa2014 + kali accessory. Multiple combos ) This is my main hero in Thailand server. <3 Thank again. |
제명 | 로스트사가 | 상호 | (주)위메이드 |
이용등급 | 전체이용가 | 등급분류번호 | 제OL-090327-009호 |
등급분류 일자 | 2009-03-27 | 제작배급업신고번호 | 제24108-2001-2호 |